Book Summary "Are You Ready to Succeed?"
By Srikumar Rao, Rider House, 2006
taken from
Many people hanker for a happy and successful life, and try different avenues to lead to happiness and success - but far too often fall short of achieving these goals.
A process,
however, exists that can be used to change one's life and achieve what one
desires. As promulgated in a popular, innovative and unconventional course
and Personal
that is taught by Dr. Srikumar S. Rao at Columbia Business School, it
identifies important points on how one can improve one's life tremendously
personal ethics and goals and working to achieve them.
The Big Idea
Why You Need This Book
Mental Model
Ain’t Real!
Mental Chatter, and It’s Real!
Can Change the Universe! Surrender to the Universe
Dropping Destructive Habits
”I Hate My Job”
You Create Your World From What is Inside You!
Are You Ready to Succeed
The Big Idea
Many people hanker for a happy and successful life, and try
different avenues to lead to happiness and success - but far too often fall
short of achieving these goals.
A process, however, exists that can be used to change one's
life and achieve what one desires. As promulgated in a popular, innovative and
unconventional course called "Creativity and Personal Mastery" that
is taught by Dr. Srikumar S. Rao at Columbia Business School, it identifies
important points on how one can improve one's life tremendously through
defining personal ethics and goals and working to achieve them.
Why You Need This Book
This outstanding book focuses on personal development but eschews the “established” methods for an
unconventional and exhilarating new approach which might just be able to change
your life for the better. If you are really serious about enjoying abundant
success and fulfillment and are eager to enjoy your true potential, but have so
far been unsuccessful at your attempts to learn to do so, and are open to
trying something new then this book is
for you.
The only
question is: Are You Ready to Do It?
The Mental Model
A “mental model” is a notion we have of how the world works,
of how things ought to be done or are done. People use mental models to explain
why things happen. You use them to console yourself and tell you what you
should do. Most of the time, you don't even know you are using them.
·Be open to positive changes in
your life because you want them to take place.
·Pause whenever you encounter
new ideas, ponder them, and explore their ramifications. Keep bringing them to
mind at odd moments until you feel completely comfortable with them.
·Start a journal and make
entries regularly and frequently.
·Be particularly aware of your
emotional state; write it down and see how it changes over time as you continue
to ponder the ideas and concepts presented.
·Recognize that this is merely a
starting point. You are launching yourself onto a path of awareness and growth
that will take years, decades; maybe the rest of your life.
Change Matters
The first step to take is of course to realize that change
does matter, and not only to us as individuals but to everyone. Therefore it
has to take place at not only one level.
attitudinal change. We will have to recognize that we do not
function in isolation, that we have an impact on society and are, in turn,
impacted by it. It's counterproductive to profit at the expense of others.
Greed is bad for everyone.
structural change. The world may have altered greatly in the last
few years, but our institutions have remained terribly antiquated and unsuited
to the present era, and are thus grossly inadequate.
value change. As long as material accumulation remains the index of
success, we will have excess. We will amass things galore, but happiness will
remain a stranger. Too many of our athletes, politicians and business leaders
are poor role models, but we have spawned them through our idolatry.
Individual attitudinal transformation is to a certain extent
under one's control and will take place as one develops. If one attains a
position of great prominence and influence, one can begin to work to change
society as well.
Ain’t Real!
Your life
is hemmed in by the things you know to be true that aren't. It's time to start
setting yourself free.
The first block to personal mastery, and one of the biggest,
is our unquestioned mental models, our fixed ideas of how the world works and
how things should or shouldn't be done. We base them on perceptions and ideas,
and use these models for everything, for better or for worse; our lives are
jumbles of these models.
Some of these facets of your life, these mental models, are
merely based on wrong perceptions and are not true at all. Maybe NONE of them
are. Here's a thought - maybe YOUR LIFE IS NOT REAL at all, and never has been!
A breakthrough happens when you slip into a parallel universe
that has always been available to you but which you never really looked for -
an alternate reality that you will discover for yourself and which will allow
you to see your situation in a more positive light.
Here are some pointers:
If you're totally unable to
live in your alternate reality, it’s very likely that you've picked one that you
cannot accept on any level. Remember that you can't fool yourself.
Write it down! Write down every
scrap of evidence that supports it.
Don't complain and moan:
Explicitly label each setback as a learning opportunity and list what you could
have done to avoid it and what you will do in the future.
Don't immediately pick the most
horrendously important thing bothering you right now. Start with something
important to you, but not one of the big boulders in your life.
Try living in a reality where
others recognize your caring nature and where they come to you for help with
their problems.
Be gentle with yourself. If
you're not having much luck, don't beat yourself over the head and make it one
more way in which you can define yourself as a failure. Be patient!
Mental Chatter, and It’s Real!
Your mental chatter is your constant companion. It's the
monologue that is going on in your mind. It never ever leaves you and you can't
even shake it loose. You build mental models out of your mental chatter.
And now that you know you can change your reality, what do
you propose to do about it?
Here are some helpful hints you can consider:
·Observe your mental chatter
dispassionately and record it.
·You may feel that you register
only 10 percent of your thoughts. You're wrong. It's unlikely that you are
aware of even 0.000001 percent of your thoughts. The good news is that even the
most minimal level of awareness creates profound change.
·Don't beat yourself up when you
note the negativity of your thinking.
·Some of your
mental chatter may turn out to be with minimal emotional undertones. That's
fine. Just note it.
·You may find
that negative judgments tend to produce emotional downs, while thoughts of
gratitude produce an elevation of spirits.
The Only Tool You Will Ever Need The weeds in your life will wither
when you expose them to the light of awareness. This tool gives you emotional
control. It helps you become conscious of what you are permitting to grow
inside you, for something amazing to happen afterwards.
Witness: The Best Friend You Will Ever Have
As mentioned previously, you have to
dispassionately observe your mental chatter and
categorize it. The “guy” that does this observation is the Witness.
A strange thing happens when you call your Witness
up. You feel as if you are living life on two parallel tracks. You are doing
things you normally do, yet are also watching yourself do the things you
normally do.
The Witness is merely an observer. It doesn't condemn nor
judge nor compliment. It lets you see things as normally as you see them. The
Witness is the one that calmly exposes you, and your models, to yourself. You
see with absolute clarity the many ways in which you frustrate yourself and act
in selfdefeating ways. And you begin to learn to control what you let into your
mind and influence you.
That is how you start straightening out your life. Pull back
and call your Witness into action.
Can Change the Universe!
Influencing the Universe is simple. It can be summed up in
the Law of Increase: Whatever you are truly grateful for and appreciate will
increase in your life.
Here are some important points to live by:
·There is much less work needed
to get in sync with the Universe than you might think. Instead of frantically
doing things to get what you want, you can try “calm being”. Be clear about
what you want and relax it'll come to
you in time.
·Of course you can't abandon
working for what you want wholesale, but you should learn to dovetail work with
“calm being”.
·If you find it difficult to
beam health, prosperity, and other good thoughts to your rivals at work or to
irritating colleagues, pause to consider their lives. Imagine how terrible it
must be to live like that.
·If you look sincerely for the
miracles in your life, you will find them in droves and you will soon start
producing them effortlessly.
·Don't talk about producing
miracles or about trying to produce them with skeptical friends or relatives.
Try it silently and let your own faith develop.
·Be patiently persistent. For
some it may take a long time. That's okay
just as long as you keep your intent alive and strong.
·When you change, so does the
Universe, and in conformity with your change. It cannot help but follow.
·So if you would like a job, you
need to free your mind from thoughts based on desperate want and instead
concentrate on being crystal clear about what you would like.
·If you’re seeking a significant
other, you can stop the ceaseless search and instead concentrate on becoming
the person with the
qualities of the one you would like to find.
·If you feel that all this is
“miraculous,” you'd be right. It is. You can produce these miracles. When you
become practiced in this way of being, you'll be able to produce them almost at
Surrender to the Universe
You need to be able to surrender to the Universe in order to
bring all these things about.
The process of surrender has four steps. It is important that
you do them all:
take all actions with a clear understanding of what you would like to have happen.
Be unambiguous about what it is that you would like to accomplish as a result
of them.
wish that all outcomes be beneficial for all parties concerned. This
is important. Our competitive society trains us to think in terms of “winning”
at the expense of others. It does not have to be so. Instead, actively and
sincerely wish that there are no losers.
that your actions are simply one possible way of achieving the outcome you
want. Remember that you have a limited understanding of all the
forces at play and from that limited viewpoint have selected your course of
action as the “best.”
yourself from the outcome. Accept whatever outcome the Universe
provides. It's better for you if you cheerfully accept whatever comes your way.
Dropping Destructive Habits
And of course, you also need to eliminate those habits of
yours which may run counter to your drive to improve your life.
These things can help:
·Clearly and dispassionately note the damage being done by your behavior. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just acknowledge that you have some bad habits and call it that.
·Clearly and dispassionately note the damage being done by your behavior. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just acknowledge that you have some bad habits and call it that.
·Immediately shift your
attention to your breath. You will notice that in times of upset, your
breathing is fast and shallow. Slow it down. Take slow, deep breaths. Visualize
golden, strengthgiving light streaming in with your inhalation.
”I Hate My Job”
Transform your job so it is nourishing rather than draining.
Try it with these helpful hints:
·Remember that focus is the key.
Your job makes you miserable if you focus on the myriad things that are “wrong”
with it. You can start making it totally rejuvenating when you begin by
focusing on what is “right” with it. Ignore all the stuff even if it is the vast majority that you feel is “wrong.”
·You will have many people tell
you that when you ignore the “horrible” things at work, you are actually
helping them continue and perpetuating the status quo.
·You are doing this for you, not
for the company you work for. You always work in your perceived best
self-interest. Make this work for you!
Create Your World from What is Inside You!
For you to be able to work easier with your mental model, you
need to clean out some garbage that you carry inside you.
Inside You?
If you are a fruit, what could be squeezed out of you? Would
it be a syrup of happiness and contentment, or a bitter juice of guilt,
depression, envy, worry, shame, sorrow, and other such emotions?
These emotions do not come from outside. They are within you
all the time. The nasty stuff that emerges when you are squeezed is the beast
you have been feeding.
Benevolent-Universe Model
Here is a general-purpose, all-inclusive “This is the way the
world works” comprehensive model:
·The Universe is a conscious and benevolent entity. It ALWAYS acts in
your best interests and ALWAYS brings into your life EXACTLY what you need at
any instant.
·Think of a complicated trapeze act. The aerialist lets go of the bar and
does a dizzying array of twists and somersaults, and just as she finishes, the
next bar is available for her to grasp. That's how the Universe acts. The bar
you need is ALWAYS available just when you need it. The choreographing is both
splitsecond and brilliant.
·The lesson you need to learn is that you get exactly what you need at
exactly the time that is appropriate.
·The people who come into your life are the very ones you need at the
stage you are in. It's perfect. It's always been perfect, but you just never
saw this before.
·It will always be perfect in the future as well. All you have to do is
relax and go with the flow.
You cannot force yourself to accept the proposed model. So
what should you do?
You actively consider other perspectives and change what you
focus on.
Coping With Senseless Tragedies
Coping With Senseless Tragedies
Look at suffering in a different perspective. Recognize that
whenever it is present in your life, it is not for you to be in pain, but
rather a chance for you to lessen it.
It is wonderful to live freely in this world - where you can
accept that what you want is not always what you need.
Do you want to dwell with a deep sense of fulfillment and a
higher sense of purpose in a peaceful abode? It's up to you. It's your choice
alone. And it is far, far better to live in the bosom of a benevolent universe.
You Ready to Succeed?
You should not stop until you have ignited a transformation
process that will then take over by itself and carry you the rest of the way.
Once you meet success, there is no turning back.
Let personal mastery work for you.
Discover it for yourself in your own life. That is when it
will become a concrete reality for you
the “reality” that you will live in for the rest of your life.
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